Hello, I am AMit Senapati

Learning keeps you ahead

Amit Senapati
With our Global expertise in handling high budget complex projects, we aim to Provide the best Project Management training at ZERO cost.
Billion USD
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Types - Petrochemicals, thermal, port, chemical etc.
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Companies Associated With
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Be Corporate Ready

PlanEasy has gathered Project Management best Practices from around the globe to provide the best Project Management experience to the students.
The Author is an Industry Expert in the field of Project Management and has executed projects worth  5+ Billion USD.

Learn at ZERO cost

Education is universal and hence all our courses are FREE.


The contents are one of the best you can find over the internet.


Help From Experts

we are here to listen to you. Ask us your doubts.

Build Your Network

Connect with different Perspective and Open numerous doors for oportunity

Real-life live Lessons

Inside Community we have weekend live zoom meeting to resolve doubt


Start from basics to advanced concept like earned value management, resource loading basics, progress measurement techniques etc.

Project Management Best Practices

We start from the basics and end with contents like Six sigma implementation, 5D concepts etc.

Advanced Tools

The contents use tools like Power BI, Primavera Visualizer, Oracle BI, JIRA, Confluence, data studio etc.

Spreadsheet Techniques

Automation plays an important part in Project Management, we therefore also have a section on sharing the various spreadsheet techniques and best practices.

Much More..

Productivity Measurement techniques, agile project management etc..

Start with Basics

Discuss advanced concepts

Implementation techniques

Output sharing

Start Your Journey With Top Enrolled Courses

We Provide the Courses with Top Notch Curiculumn & assured quality. You just have to take one step for Taking your career ahead in life.

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Meet The Instructor - Amit Senapati

Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Use PlanEasy to facilitate learning experiences no matter the context.

What People has to say about Us ?

Authentic reviews of Linkedin

Brendan O'Reilly

worked with Amit on a number of complex projects - which all had diverse teams and stakeholders. Amit excelled at bringing those diverse groups together

Karthik B

Dedicated and Honest colleague, he respects other opinion and support team alot. very positive attitude person.


I found Amit to be self motivated and improvement driven. Introducing better systems, processes or ideas into a complex working environment was something he tackled with no complaints and often under his own initiative.

We are excited to have you on board.

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